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Five elements of successful Health & Safety management practice

Five elements of successful  Health & Safety management practice

1.Planning. Employers should set up an effective health and safety management system to implement their health and safety policy which is proportionate to the hazards and risks. Adequate planning includes:

(a) Adopting a systematic approach to the completion of a risk assessment. Risk assessment methods should be used to decide on priorities and to set objectives for eliminating hazards and reducing risks. This should include a programme, with deadlines for the completion of the risk assessment process, together with suitable deadlines for the design and implementation of the preventive and protective measures which are necessary.
(b) Selecting appropriate methods of risk control to minimize risks.
 (c) Establishing priorities and developing performance standards both for the completion of risk assessment(s) and for the implementation of preventive and protective measures, which at each stage minimizes the risk of harm to people. Wherever possible, risks are eliminated through selection and design of facilities, equipment and processes

2.Organization. This includes:
(a) Involving employees and their representatives in carrying out risk assessments, deciding on preventive and protective measures and implementing those requirements in the workplace. This may be achieved by the use of formal health and safety committees where they exist, and by the use of team working, where employees are involved in deciding on the appropriate preventive and protective measures and written procedures, etc.
(b) Establishing effective means of communication and consultation in which a positive approach to health and safety is visible and clear. The employer should have adequate health and safety information and make sure it is communicated to employees and their representatives, so informed decisions can be made about the choice of preventive and protective measures. Effective communication will ensure that employees are provided with sufficient information so that control measures can be implemented effectively.
(c) Securing competence by the provision of adequate information, instruction and training and its evaluation, particularly for those who carry out risk assessments and make decisions about preventive and protective measures. Where necessary this will need to be supported by the provision of adequate health and safety assistance or advice.

3.Control. Establishing control includes:
(a) Clarifying health and safety responsibilities and ensuring that the activities of everyone are well coordinated.
(b) Ensuring everyone with responsibilities understands clearly what they have to do to discharge their responsibilities, and ensure they have the time and resources to discharge them effectively.
(c) Setting standards to judge the performance of those with responsibilities and ensure they meet them. It is important to reward good performance as well as to take action to improve poor performance.
(d) Ensuring adequate and appropriate supervision, particularly for those who are learning and who are new to a job.

4.Monitoring . Employers should measure what they are doing to implement their health and safety policy, to assess how effectively they are controlling risks, and how well they are developing a positive health and safety culture. Monitoring includes:
(a) Having a plan and making adequate routine inspections and checks to ensure that preventive and protective measures are in place and effective. Active monitoring reveals how effectively the health and safety management system is functioning.

(b) Adequately investigating the immediate and underlying causes of incidents and accidents to ensure that remedial action is taken, lessons are learnt and longer-term objectives are introduced. In both cases it may be appropriate to record and analyse the results of monitoring
activity, to identify any underlying themes or trends which may not be apparent from looking at events in isolation.

5.Review. Review involves:
(a) Establishing priorities for necessary remedial action that was discovered as a result of monitoring to ensure that suitable action is taken in good time and is completed.
(b) Periodically reviewing the whole of the health and safety management system including the elements of planning, organization, control and monitoring to ensure that the whole system remains effective.

What is your opinion about this topic .. Your company also practicing this 5 elements ??  and Do you want any safety related documents ?? Comment your Valuable feedbacks  ...


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