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Very Very Useful Job Safety Analysis for 34 mechanical Jobs ....



Sheet 1: JSA INDEX

S no. JSA sheet main activity
1 Vehicle Entry inside the plant for loading/unloading material
2 PM of Pumps
3 PM/Maintenance of Fin Fans
4 Insulation Removal and Refixing
5 PM of Steam Turbines
6 Pump seal/bearing replacement/overhauling
7 Pump Decoupling for motor replacement
8 Nitrogen hose connection for purging of lines and equipments/vessels
9 Blinding/Deblinding under Nitrogen purging
10 Flange tightening in loop under pressure test with Nitrogen
11 PSV Removal/Fixing
12 Blinding/ Deblinding of Process lines
13 Buffing (Power Brush) for Surface Cleaning
14 Hot Bolting of pipe line/equipment Flanges
15 Scaffolding Removal
16 Scaffolding Erection / Modification
17 PM of ID/FD fan
18 Hydrojetting of heater transfer line
19 Burner (PG/FG) dropping
20 Heat Exchanger Tube Insertion
21 Hydrotest of Pipes/ Equipment
22 Valve Servicing (other than gland and bonnet)
23 Removal of structure by cutting
24 Hackshaw cutting of proces lines
25 Non flameproof Electrical Equipment usage inside plant
26 Hydrojetting of exchangers
27 Bundle pulling of Heat Exchanger
28 Heat Exchange tubes removal by gas cutting
29 Housekeeping inside plant
30 Fan/ blower fixing on manways for air circulation
31 Material handling manualy
32 Conditioning monitoring of equipment
33 Manway opening and boxup of process equipments
34 Work at height

Sheet 2: Sheet1

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : Vehicle Entry inside the plant for loading/unloading material
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Preparation & Checking Fire explosion due to spark generated Vehicle must have a valid permit for entry inside red roads.
Vehicle must be certified for use by P&M department.
Driver must have safe driving licence.
Spark Arrestor must be healthy
Check LEL inproposed route of vehicle
Switch off engine and evacuate if F&G Alarm is sounded
2 Entry inside plant Damage to work place due to hitting against pipe/equipment Vehicle will move at speed of less than 10kmph.
Vehicle will not enter paved area of plant; if such an entry is required, necessary permission from plant ______________/production ______________ will be necessary.
Identify all pits near to the route, barricade/highlight if required.
Use wheel jammers to avoid accidental movement of vehicle
Keep vehicle on gear when parked.
Do not leave vehicle unattended when parked near plant & machinery.
Follow vehicle entry procedure.
Injury to people around Do not allow people to move in route of vehicle
Vehicle reverse horn must be working and an assisstant must guide reversing.
Use correct tools.
Use mandatory PPEs
3 Loading/Unloading of material Injury to people during material handling Do not use bare handsd to handle heavy material.
Use crane/Hydra wherever required.
Do not drop material from height Use correct lifting/lowering devices.
Use correct tools. Use propper PPEs.
4 All Sub Activities (1-3) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 3: Sheet2

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : PM of Pumps
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Coupling guard removal and checking pump free rotation Injury during pump dismantling due to improper electrical isolation Electrical isolation will be done from substation.
Electrical isolation tag shall be available with the permit.
Field engineer shall cross check isolation by pressing start button before commencing of job
2 Foundation bolt tightness checking
3 Checking tightness of thrower grub screw
4 Cleaning of the breather Physical injury to workers Use correct tools.
Use mandatory PPEs
5 Checking Coupling condition
6 Checking Lube oil/seal oil/greasing Health hazard due to handling grease/oil (long exposure) Use Chemical resistant gloves.
Wash hands after job
7 Casing bolt tightness checking Exposure to toxic gases/HC Draining of equipment will be required
8 Checking seal flush line for choking & cleaning
9 Checking cooling water line for choking & cleaning
10 All Sub Activities (1-9) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools
Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign __________________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 4: Sheet3

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : PM/Maintenance of Fin Fans
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Opening Safety guard of fan Injury due to movement of fan Electrical isolation will be done from substation.
Follow LOTO procedue.
Electrical isolation tag shall be available with the permit.
Field engineer shall cross check isolation by pressing start button.
Despite electrical isolation fan might move due to wind velocity, to arrest such movement, tie fan blades or provide mechanical lock.
2 Foundation bolt tightness checking
3 Checking tightness of thrower grub screw
4 Cleaning of the breather Exposure to noise Use ear plugs.
Use mandatory PPEs
5 Working inside fin fan plenum chamber Hazards of confined space (Fire O2 deficiency, Toxic Substances) Follow Confined space entry procedure
Check O2 level at fixed intervals and note down the same in permit
Ensure presence of standby persons all the time
Ensure entry & exit record of persons
Fall from height Use platform to go inside plenum chamber
Heat stress due to hot pipes/equipment Drink water at regular intervals
Avoid going near finned tubes
Persons to come out at regular intervals
6 Greasing of bearings health hazard due to handling oil & grease Use Chemical resistant gloves.
Wash hands after job
7 All Sub Activities (1-6) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools
Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign _________________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 5: Sheet4

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : Insulation Removal and Refixing
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Cladding Removal Injury due to use of sharp equipment and sharp edges of cladding sheet Use proper tools for cutting/bending.
Tie or keep weight on cladding removed to prevent flying off
2 Insulation Removal Health Hazard due to exposure to insulation material Insulation material is injurious to health Use dust mask, gloves, and full body apron for handling.
Fire (oil soaked insulation fire) Insulation being removed might be oil soaked and may catch fire when exposed to air. Check that it is free from oil. Keep fire extinguisher ready if oil is present
Injury/Leakage due to insulation material falling from height Do not collect insulation material in too large bags which make handling difficult.
Use rope to lower bags of collected insulation material. Keep area underneath barricaded
Burn due to contact with hot surfaces Pipeline/equipment inside will be hot use leather gloves.
3 Insulation Refixing Health Hazard due to exposure to insulation material Insulation material is injurious to health Use dust mask, gloves, and full body apron for handling.
Burn due to contact with hot surfaces Pipeline/equipment inside will be hot use leather gloves.
4 Cladding Refixing Injury due to use of sharp equipment and sharp edges of cladding sheet Use proper tools for cutting/bending.
Tie or keep weight on cladding removed to prevent flying off
5 All Sub Activities (1-4) Injury due to fall from height Use certified scaffolding/hydraulic platforms/troleys with wheel lock
Area must be barricaded. No superfluous material to be kept at work site
Use tray for small tools
Tools, tackles etc are not to be carried with hands while climbing; use pouch,belt, other lifting/lowering device
Ladder must be free of oil/grease and must be firmly placed to prevent slip
Ladder to be provided perpendicular to the working platform wherever possible
Gloves with good gripmust be used while climbing
While climbing always maintain 3 point contact
Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 6: Sheet5

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : PM of Steam Turbines
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Isolation of the turbine and depressurization Physical injury during decoupling due to improper isolation Isolate inlet and outlet of the turbine and depressurize through drain lines
Check that the turbine is in unlatched condition
Provide chain lock to steam inlet and outlet isolation valves
2 Coupling guard removal and decoupling
3 Checking free rotation of turbine rotor
4 Checking the tightness of foundation bolts and supports Injury due to improper tools Use correct tools.
5 Check LO
6 Check trip function correctness
7 Flush governer & check for leakage Burn Injury Use full body aprons
Stay away from hot lines
8 Check freeness of governing system arm link
9 Check freeness of control valve spindle
10 Check Coupling condition Health Hazard dur to handling oil/grease Use Chemical resistant gloves.
Wash hands after job
11 Check for steam leakage
12 All Sub Activities (1-11) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools
Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 7: Sheet6

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : Pump seal/bearing replacement/overhauling
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Preparing the pump for handover.
Electrical & Mechanical isolations
Exposure to HC/Toxic gas release due to improper isolation Isolation procedure will be planned,reviewed and implemented by FS/FE.
All valves will be tight closed and tagged
Remote and local push buttons of XV should be in stopped condition (if applicable)
Lock to be provided for suction and disc XVs (if applicable)
Ensure no hot work is in progress in radius of 15m
Injury /Electric Shock during pump dismantling due to improper electrical isolation Electrical isolation to be done from substation
Electrical isolation tag should be available with permit
FE shall crosscheck isolation by pressing start button before commencement of job
LOTO procedure to be followed.
2 Draining of pump holdup liquid Exposure to HC/Toxic release fue to improper draining methods Wherever possible draining/venting wil be done to closed system/flare.
Completion of draining to be ensured by checking the level rise in CBD vessels.
Ensure with open drain with help of personal H2S meter
If hot service allow sufficient time to cool after isolation
3 Blinding of pump suction/discharge lines and seal flush lines Exposure to HC/Toxic release due to holdup material or passing valve Stay in upwind direction
FE will physically show the correct flange to be opened
First loosen the flange on the side away from the body, check for any leakage. Use LEL/H2S detectors.
If valve seems passing immediately tighten the flange. Keep arrangement (tray/bucket) ready for collecting oil
Check seal pot level has been fully drained
Keep cartridge mask ready for escape
If holdup material is expected to be more (for gas services) use airline mask
Use full body apron, gloves and mask
Fire hazard due to holdup material falling on hot lines Collect holdup oil in trays
Use wet blankets over hot surfaces
Fire due to oil soaking insulation Don’t allow oil into insulation
Check that the insulation cladding faces/ends are not damaged
Remove oil soaked insulation after the job
Injury due to improper tool/lifting methods Use certified and right capacity slings/chains (if required)
Use spanner tied with strings
Protect SBCs nearby during lowering
Do not engage too many persons
Use correct hand tools
4 Pump Coupling guard removal and decoupling Injury during pump dismantling due to improper electrical isolation See Sno 1
5 Pump Removal/Opening:
Coupling hub removal
Opening bearing housing and bearing removal
Dismantling seal assembly
Cleaning of seal flush lines
Injury to workers Use correct tools
Use mandatory PPEs.
Proper lifting procedure to be followed if applicable
Health hazard due to handling oil/grease Use Chemical resistant gloves.
Wash hands after job
Dispose all oily rags in accordance with procedure
6 Pump Assembling installation, deblinding, warm-up, alignment, checking & coupling As above All Above control applies
7 All Sub Activities (1-6) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 8: Sheet7

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : Pump Decoupling for motor replacement etc
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Pump coupling guard removal and decoupling Injury during pump dismantling due to improper electrical isolation Electrical isolation to be done from substation
Electrical isolation tag should be available with permit
FE shall crosscheck isolation by pressing start button before commencement of job. LOTO procedure to be followed.
Injury to workers Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Proper lifting procedure to be followed if applicable
Health hazard due to handling oil/grease Use Chemical resistant gloves. Wash hands after job
Dispose all oily rags in accordance with procedure
2 Pump Alignment Checking and coupling after job completion Injury during pump couplingdue to improper electrical isolation Electrical isolation to be done from substation
Electrical isolation tag should be available with permit
FE shall crosscheck isolation by pressing start button before commencement of job. LOTO procedure to be followed.
Injury to workers Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Proper lifting procedure to be followed if applicable
Health hazard due to handling oil/grease Use Chemical resistant gloves. Wash hands after job
Dispose all oily rags in accordance with procedure
3 All Sub Activities (1-2) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 9: Sheet8

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : Hose connection & Disconnection
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 End blind removal from line Asphyxiation due to exposure of Nitrogen Ensure isolation valve is tightly closed
Stay in upwind direction
First loosen the flange on the side away from the body, check for any leakage.
Keep escape route clear
use airline mask if the valve is suspected passing
2 Connection of hose between nitrogen line and process location Injury to persons due to improper tools and hitting of hose Tie hose with static object. Use standard and correct tools
Rated hoses are to be used during purges and are to be fastened to platform or railing
3 Depressurisation and disconnection of hose Asphyxiation due to exposure of Nitrogen Ensure isolation valve is tightly closed. Stay in upwind direction
First loosen the flange on the side away from the body, and allow it to depressurize.
Do not engage more persons
use airline mask if the valve is suspected passing
4 Execution of job at height (if applicable) Injury due to fall from height Use certified scaffolding/hydraulic platforms/troleys with wheel lock
Area must be barricaded. No superfluous material to be kept at work site
Use tray for small tools
Tools, tackles etc are not to be carried with hands while climbing; use pouch,belt, other lifting/lowering device
Ladder must be free of oil/grease and must be firmly placed to prevent slip
Ladder to be provided perpendicular to the working platform wherever possible
Gloves with good gripmust be used while climbing
While climbing always maintain 3 point contact
5 All Sub Activities (1-4) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 10: Sheet9

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : Blinding/Deblinding Job
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Opening of flanges and blind removal/installation Asphyxiation due to exposure of Nitrogen Ensure the valves are tightly closed and tagged; LOTO procedure to be followed.
Ensure the line is depressurised. Stay in upwind direction.
FE to physically show correct flange to be opened
First loosen the flange on side away from body, check for any leakage
Keep escape route clear.
Use airline mask. Do not engage too many persons
Injury due to improper tool/lifting methods Only standard and approved blinds to be used with complete bolting and new gaskets. Use certified and right capacity slings/ chains (if required).
Use spanner tied with strings.
Protect SBCs nearby during lowering. Use standard hand tools
2 Execution of job at height (if applicable) Injury due to fall from height Use certified scaffolding/hydraulic platforms/troleys with wheel lock
Area must be barricaded. No superfluous material to be kept at work site
Use tray for small tools
Tools, tackles etc are not to be carried with hands while climbing; use pouch,belt, other lifting/lowering device
Ladder must be free of oil/grease and must be firmly placed to prevent slip
Ladder to be provided perpendicular to the working platform wherever possible
Gloves with good gripmust be used while climbing
While climbing always maintain 3 point contact
3 All Sub Activities (1-2) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 11: Sheet10

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : Flange tightening in loop under pressure test with Nitrogen
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Tightening of flanges Asphyxiation due to exposure of Nitrogen Stay in upwind direction.
FE to physically show correct flange to be opened
First loosen the flange on side away from body, check for any leakage
Keep escape route clear. Use airline mask
Do not engage too many persons
Injury due to improper tool Use spanner tied with strings.
Protect SBCs nearby during lowering. Use standard hand tools
2 Execution of job at height (if applicable) Injury due to fall from height Use certified scaffolding/hydraulic platforms/troleys with wheel lock
Area must be barricaded. No superfluous material to be kept at work site
Use tray for small tools
Tools, tackles etc are not to be carried with hands while climbing; use pouch,belt, other lifting/lowering device
Ladder must be free of oil/grease and must be firmly placed to prevent slip
Ladder to be provided perpendicular to the working platform wherever possible
Gloves with good gripmust be used while climbing
While climbing always maintain 3 point contact
3 All Sub Activities (1-2) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 12: Sheet11

Job Safety Analysis

Main activity : PSV Removal/Fixing
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S No Sub Activity Hazards & Risks Control Measures to be implemented
1 Opening the flanges for PSV removal Exposure to HC/Toxic release due to holdup material or passing valves Stay in upwind direction
FE will physically show the correct flange to be opened
First loosen the flange on the side away from the body, check for any leakage.
Use LEL/H2S detectors.
If valve seems passing immediately tighten the flange. Keep arrangement (tray/bucket) ready for collecting oil
Keep tray/bucket ready for collecting oil. Keep cartridge mask ready for escape
If holdup material is expected to be more (for gas services) use airline mask
Use full body apron, gloves and mask
Ensure Checklist is filled for PSV droppng and follow SOP
Fire hazrad due to holdup material falling on hot lines (if applicable) Collect holdup oil in trays. Use wet blankets over hot surfaces
Keep fire hose ready and continuously wet the line expecting pyrophoric materila inside
Fire (oil soaked insulation fire) Insulation being removed might be oil soaked and may catch fire when exposed to air. Check that it is free from oil. Keep fire extinguisher ready if oil is present
Check that the insulation cladding faces/ends are not damaged
Injury due to improper tool/lifting methods Use job specific standard tools and PPEs
2 Blinding Injury due to improper tool/lifting methods Only standard and approved blinds to be used with complete bolting and new gaskets. Use standard tools
3 PSV Dropping/Lifting Injury/Property damage due to improper lifting methods Use certified and right capacity slings/chains
4 End blind removal from flanges Exposure to HC/Toxic release due to holdup material or passing valves Ensure that valves are tightly closed and tagged follow LOTO procedure
Ensure line is depressurised and drained
Stay in upwind direction
FE will physically show the correct flange to be opened
First loosen the flange on the side away from the body, check for any leakage. Use LEL/H2S detectors.
If valve seems passing immediately tighten the flange. Keep arrangement (tray/bucket) ready for collecting oil
Keep tray/bucket ready for collecting oil
Keep cartridge mask ready for escape
If holdup material is expected to be more (for gas services) use airline mask
Use full body apron, gloves and mask
Ensure Checklist is filled for PSV droppng and follow SOP
Fire hazrad due to holdup material falling on hot lines (if applicable) Collect holdup oil in trays. Use wet blankets over hot surfaces
Keep fire hose ready and continuously wet the line expecting pyrophoric materila inside
Fire (oil soaked insulation fire) Insulation being removed might be oil soaked and may catch fire when exposed to air. Check that it is free from oil. Keep fire extinguisher ready if oil is present
Check that the insulation cladding faces/ends are not damaged
Injury due to improper tool/lifting methods Use job specific standard tools and PPEs
5 PSV Boxup Injury due to improper tool/lifting methods Do not use finger to align the flange holes. Use standard tools
Ensure the rating of gaskets
6 All Sub Activities (1-5) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs.
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 13: Sheet12

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Opeing of flanges and blind removal / installation Exposure to HC/Toxic release due to holdup material or passing valves Ensure the valves are tightly closed and tagged. Follow LOTO
Ensure the line is depressurised, properly drained, Pruged,flushed
Ensure there is no condensate pocket left after steam out.
Stay in upwind direction. Execute will physically show the correct flange to be opened
First loosen the flange on side away from the body, Check for any leakage. Use LEL/H2S detectors
if seems like passing valve, immediately tighten the flange
Keep arrangement (tray? Bucket) ready for collecting oil
keep cartage mask ready for escape. Use full bodyappron,gloves and goggles
if hold up material is expected to be more (for gas service) use air line mask
Only standard and approved blinds to be used with complete bolting and new gaskets
Fire hazard due to holdup material falling on hot lines Collect holdup oil trays. Use wet blankets over hot trays. Ensure no hot work in 15 meter radius
fire due to Oil soaking insulation Don not allow oil into insulation. check that the insulation cladding faces/ends are not damaged
Injury due to improper tool/lifting method Use certified and right capacity slings/chain (if require)
Use spanner tied with strings. Protect SBCs nearby during lowering
Do not engage too many person. Use correct hand tools
2 Execution of job at height (if Applicable) Injury due to fall from height (if applicable) Use certified scaffolding/hydraulic platforms/trolleys with lock
Area must be barricaded. No superfluous material to be kept at work site.
Use tray for small tools.
Tools, tackles etc. are not to be carried with hands climbing. Use pouch, belt or other lifting/lowering devices.
Ladder must be freet of oil/grease and must be firmly placed to prevent slip
Ladder to be provided perpendicular to the working platform wherever possible
gloves with good grip must be used while climbing.
3 All sub activities(1-2) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 14: Sheet13

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Buffing (Power Brush) for Surface Cleaning
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Buffing of Surfaces Injury due to from height (if Applicable) Use certified scaffolding/Hydraulic platforms/trolleys with wheel lock
Use safety full body harness (this shall apply when job is at height and to all sub activates)
Electrical Shock Hazards Electrical machine must be certified by competent authority and have valid certificate
All electrical connections to be crosschecked for loose fittings etc.
Earthing of the equipment must be done.
Injury due to breakage of grinding wheel check expiry date of the wheel before fixing new wheel
always run the wheel for one minute idle, while fixing the new wheel for the first time.
Always take a ring test for vitrified before mounting a new wheel
Always store the buffing wheels properly
Never stand in straight line of buffing wheel.
Use the special spanner for tightening the wheel
Fire Hazards due possible spark generation LET must be checked in the area periodically
DCP cylinder to be kept ready for use. (Hot work permit require)
Exposure to noise Wear earplug, as while grinding noise level will go beyond 85 dB
Health hazards due to dust Use Dust mask
2 All sub activities Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 15: Sheet14

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Hot Bolting of pipe line/equipment Flanges
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Hot bolting of flanges Hot burns/heat stress due to working on hot flanges Flanges may be hot, leather gloves and full body aprons must be used
Adequate drinking water must be available and people at work are to be rotated
Exposure to Hot HC vapor
release/toxic gas release
Do not overtight or loosen the flange bolts to the extent or leak
Loosen/fasten only one bolt at a time
Job to be done under complete supervision. Keep escape route clesr
Struck by (Insury) working tools Use standard tools. Use rope strings for holding spanner
Use Correct and without damage sling/rope to lower elbow
2 Execution of job height (if applicable) Injury due to fall from height (if applicable) Use certified scaffolding/hydraulic platforms/trolleys with wheel lock
Area must be barricaded. No superfluous material to be kept at work site.
Use tray for small tools.
Tools, tackles etc. are not be carried with hands while climbing. Use pouch, belt or other lifting/lowering device
Ladder must be free of oil/grease and must be firmly placed to prevent slip
Ladder to be provided perpendicular to the working platform wherever possible
Gloves with good grip must be used while climbing while climbing maintain 3 point contract always
3 All sub activities (1-2) Physical Injury while working Use Correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 16: Sheet15

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Scaffolding Removal
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Removal of Scaffolding Damage to workplace due to hitting on pipes, specially SBCs Scaffolding material which removed should not block escape route
All SBSs at work locaiton must be identified
Depending on critically, SBC may be marked by wraping with barricading tape Adequate care must be taken to avoid hitting on SBCs. Do not kept pipes/clamps over the cable trays
Injury due to fall (slip/trip) while climbing up/down Tools,tackles etc are not to be carried with hands while climbing up/down. Use pouch, belt or other lifting/lowering device. Ladder must be free of oil/grease.
Do not use scaffolding braces for climbing down, Use ladders
Gloves with good grip must be used while climbing up/down
Use safety belt during climbing up or down ladder
Sturck (injury) by falling objects Standard lifting procedure to be used for lifting/lowering objects Scaffolding rods/planks should not be manually shifted. Do not keep planks loose at height
No person to be allowed to stand under weight being lefted. Area must be barricaded
If scaffoling removal is above normal walkways, use safety net
Injury due to fall (slip/trip) from the worklocation Use safety full body harness
Injury due to sudden collapse of scaffolding Ensure proper tightening of bolts and nuts and follow sequence of dismantling( dismantling should be done from top)
2 Shifting of scaffolding material after dismentaling Injury due to improper handling Use trolly for shifting the scaffolding material. Do not use bare hands.
For shifting scaffolding material from height eg, coke drum structure , use rope and pully arrrangement with sufficient manning and barricading; tie rodsproperly to avoid slips

Injury due to improper keeping Materials to be kept at one location away from walking area. Area to be barricated.
3 All sub activities (1-2) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 17: Sheet16

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Scaffolding Erection / Modification
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Shifting of scaffolding material Injury due to improper handling Use trolley the scaffolding material. Do not use bare hands
For shifting scaffolding material to height eg, Coke drum structure, use rope and pully arrangement with sufficient manning and barricading; tie rods properly to avoid slips
injury due to improper house keeping Material to be kept at one location away from walking area. Area to be barricaded.
2 Erection of Scaffolding Damage to workplace due to hitting/climbing on pipes, specially SBCs Scaffolding erected should not block identified escape routes of the plant
All SBCs work location must be identified
Depending on critically, SBC may be marked by wrapping with barricading tape
Adequate care must be taken to avoid hitting on SBCs
Scaffolding pipes must be at least 6" away form all SBCs and process line
Do not kept pipes/clamps over the cable trays
Injury due to fall (Slip/trip) while climbing up tools, tackles etc. are not to be carried with hands while climbing. Use pouch, belt or other lifting device. Ladder must be free of Oil/grease
Do not use Scaffolding branches for climbing up, use ladders
Gloves with good grip must be used while climbing.
Struck (Injury) be falling objects Standard lifting procedure to be used for lifting objects
Scaffolding rods/planks should not be manually shifted (do not shift with hands alone).
Do not keep planks loose at height. Area must be barricaded
No persons to be allowed to stand under weight being lifted
if Scaffolding errection is above normal walkways, use safety net
injury due to fall (Slip/trip) from the work location Use Safety full body harness
injury due to sudden collapse of incomplete Scaffolding Ensure proper tightening of bolts and nuts and follow sequence of erection.
3 All sub activities (1-2) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 18: Sheet17

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : PM of ID/FD fan
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Coupling guard removal and checking rotor free rotation Injury during decouplinf of fan due to improper electrical isolation Electrical isolation will be done from substation Electrical Isolation tag shall be available with the permit Operator shall cross check isolation by pressing start button before commencing of the job
2 Foundation bolt tightness checking Injury during decouplinf of fan due to improper electrical isolation Electrical isolation will be done from substation Electrical Isolation tag shall be available with the permit Operator shall cross check isolation by pressing start button before commencing of the job
3 Cleaning of the breather Physical injury while working and due to fall from height Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs. Use platform to approach
4 Checking coupling condition at height Physical injury while working and due to fall from height Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs. Use platform to approach
5 Checking lube oil / seal oil / greasing Health hazards (Long term exposure) due to handling of oil / grease Use chemical resistant hand gloves. Wash hand properly after the job
6 Casing bolt tightness checking Health hazards (Long term exposure) due to handling of oil / grease Use chemical resistant hand gloves. Wash hand properly after the job
7 Checking damper freeness and greasing Health hazards (Long term exposure) due to handling of oil / grease Use chemical resistant hand gloves. Wash hand properly after the job
8 Checking cooling water line for choking and cleaning Health hazards (Long term exposure) due to handling of oil / grease Use chemical resistant hand gloves. Wash hand properly after the job
9 All sub activities (1-8) Physical injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 19: Sheet18

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Hydrojetting of heater transfer line
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Line preparation before hand over Exposure to H2S. Steam flash due to improper isolation System/loop must be completely isolated, tagged, de-pressurized, drained, blinded, steam/water flushed before handing it over for HJ. Also ensure required elbows have been dropped and kept tied in safe location
Ensure all purge steam are isolated
Ensure there is no condensate pocket left after steam fushing (if applicable)
2 Trial of hydrojetting machine Fire hazards due to nonflame proof equipment and/or diesel operated engine Electric mechine must be certified by competent authority and have valid certificate
All electrical connection to be crosschecked for loose fitting, etc.
Earthing of the equipment must be done.
LEL must be checked in the area periodically
DCP cylinder to be kept ready for use
Fire water hose is readily available
Damage to work place and/or injury due to overpressurization of hose The hydrojeting mechine at all times should have safety equipment in tested and good working condition
Pressure gauges, Safety Valves etc. should be calibrated every 3 months.
HP Hoses should have valid test certificate for pressure test and visually checked for cuts/damage etc. before putting it in use every time.
Hydrojetting machine must be looked at safe distance from pipes/equipment hydrojetting operator shall have minimum 3 years of hydrojetting experience
Area must be kept barricaded
3 Laying of hoses and preparing for hydrojetting/ removal hoses after HJ Injury due to fall (slip/trip)due to running against laid pipes/cables or due to use of incomplete scaffolding All pipes/ material laid on ground level are wrapped with barricating tape or painted
scaffolding completion and certification done much in advance
While climbing up ladder maintain 3 point contact
Gloves with good grip muct be used while climbing
Adequate lighting ensured
4 Hydrojetting of trasfer line Mechanical failure oh hoses of the hyrojetting machine Healthiness of the manchine and hoses to be used are verfied prior to use cover the hoses with metal pipe wherever possible vehicle movement is there and provide caution tape over the pipe
Ensure exertnal padding of hoses wherever it touches metal surfaces
All rotating/moving parts of the machine are guarded
Connecting between two hoses are safety locking chain to be provided sway arrester wherever possible
Continious monitoring to be done when the machine is in operation
Injury arising out of high pressure jet All trip systems of the machine are verified to the working prior to use
stand by person available near pressure realising pedesdal with walkie talkie
All PPEs as specified in the work permit to be used (faceshields, PVC approns, rubber gloves, gum boots)
Injury due to fall from height Use certified scaffolding
Use safety full body harness with double life line
While cilmbing up ladder maintain 3 point contact
Gloves with good grip must be used while climbing
Injury due to coke flakes hitting/flying Hydrojetter to be used face shield and other mandatory PPEs
Area must be barricaded
Minimum number of persons to be present at work site; people around to be kept informed
Ergonomics hazards due to non approachable locations Proper scaffolding to be prepared considering the approach to working person.
Material falling from height and damage the pipeline and causes injury Ensure dropped elbows are tied & kept in safe location.
Ensure no human movement below hydrojetting area
No superfluous material to be kept at work site
Use tray for small tools.
The tools spares wherever possible.
5 All sub activities (1-4) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools .Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 20: Sheet19

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Burner (PG/FG) dropping
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Isolation of Burner. Exposure to toxic/ HC gas due to improper isolation. Identification of the burner must be done by field executive
proper isolation of the burner,by double isolation and tagging
portable H2S meter to be kept by working person
2 Opening of the line flanges Flammable gas release/fire due to wrong burner flange opening or passing of isolation wales Identification of the burner must be done by field executive
proper isolation of the burner,by double isolation and tagging
flanges be gradually loosend first to check for leakage, if any.
Portable H2S meter to be kept with working person
Injury due to fall from movable trolley Trolley to be properly positioned and lock to be applied to wheels
3 Dropping of burner Property damage (burner damage) Excess strength should not be applied to remove out the burner if it gets stuck somewhere. Handlinng burner properly while lifting and lowering
Injury due to fall from movable trolley Trolley to be properly positioned and lock to be applied to wheels
physical injury to personnel on work Standard job specific tools must be used
Injury due to hot surfaces of the burner assembly/ tracing steam lines or flash back from the box Draft must be kept negative all the time. Use leather gloves as burn tip will be hot
Use full sleeve apporns
Use face shield to gaurd against any hot material falling from the burner block
Ergonomic hazard while lifting or lowering the burner block Burner block to be supported by 2 persons
4 All sub activities (1-3) Physical injury while working Use correct tool. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 21: Sheet20

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Heat Exchanger Tube Insertion
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Tubes shifting nearby exchanger Manually Injury to People during material handling.
Injury to people around
Do not use bare hands to handle material. Do not drop the material from height.
Secure material properly from hitting the long tubes to people and any equipment/machine around.
2 Baffle's holes clearance for tube insertion by reemring with or/and without Portable electrical tool. Physical injury by making contact with12m tube with reemer. Injury due to handling of protable electrical machine. Do not allow the excess person in the work area.
Communication should be proper in between persons who are invoved in the activity. Maintain good housekeeping in work area. The area should be free from unwanted hardwares i.e electrical cables, extention boards etc. Portable electrical tools should have cables longer enough to keep its extention board out of work area.
The tubes should not kept within visinity of high movement area and should be barricaded.
Fire Hazard due to spark generation while using portable electrical machine for reemering LEL must be checked in the area periodically.
DCP cylinder to be kept ready for use. (Hot work permit required).
Portable Electric machine and related extention boards and/or distribution boards must be certified by competent authority and have valid certificate.
Electric shock from portable electric mechine. Portable Electric machine and related extention boards and/or distribution boards must be certified by competent authority and have valid certificate.
All Electric connectionc to be crosschecked for loose fittings etc.
Earthing of the distribution boards must be done.
Injury due to fall from height when working on height If required, prepare scaffolding plateform. Refer and comply to RA of scaffolding errection. Use Full body Harness
3 Tubes Insertion and alligenment Physical injury while tube insertion Do not allow the excess person in the work area. Communication should be proper in between persons who are invoved in the activity on both end of exchangers. Maintain good housekeeping in work area. The area should be free from unwanted hardwares i.e electrical cables, extention boards etc.
Injury while using hammer Use only inspected tools. Do not use contaminated or oil handgloves. Ensure a proper grip to the handle of hammer.
Injury due to fall from height when working on height If required, prepare scaffolding plateform. Refer and comply to RA of scaffolding errection. Use Full body Harness
4 All sub activities (1-3) Physical injury while working Use correct toolS. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 22: Sheet21

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Hydrotest of Pipes /Equipment
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Preparing for hydrotest (blindding and connection pump/hoses) Health hazard due to exposure to HC/toxic gas Ensure equipment is positively isolated from all HC (process) connections.
Ensure line or equipment is free from HC/toxic gas i.e check LEL and H2S.
Injury due to use of improper tools Use standard job specific tools and PPEs
2 Hydrotest Injury due to failure of fittings used for hydrotest Ensure Blinds used area of correct rating to withstand hydrotest pressure
Avoid threaded connections and plugs. Check for all fittings before hydrotest includes gaskets
Check for pump hoses for any kind of damage. Only one person will check for leakages
Barricade the area of hydrotest . Do not allow too many person around during pressurisation
Injury due to fall from height (if applicable) Refer and comply to Work at Height JSA (this will apply to all subactivities)
Property damage due to overpressurisation Be clear about the hydrotest pressure; do not pressurize beyond hydrotest pressure Use standard and calibrated gauges only
Fire/electrical hazard due to nonflame proof equipment and/or diesel operated engine Electric machine must be certified by competent authority and have valid certificate All Electric connectionc to be crosschecked for loose fittings etc. Earthing of the equipment must be done
LEL must be checked in the area periodically.
DCP cylinder to be kept ready for use
3 Depressurisation Equipment damage Provide adequate venting to avoid equipment going to vaccum during draining
Injury during depressurisation Keep body away from the fluid path. Open valve slowly
4 All sub activities (1-3) Physical injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 23: Sheet22

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Valve Servicing (other than gland and bonnet)
Plant :

JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Valve york/stem/gear box servicing Physical Injury due to improper tools Use job specific tools and PPEs Stay away from hot lines
Fall due to not following work at height procedure (if applicable) Use certified scafolding/Hydraulic platforms/trolleys with wheel lock
Use safety full body harness with double lifeline Use tray for small tools. Maintain 3 point contact while climbing the ladders
Health hazard due to handling grease (long exposure) Use chemical resistant gloves and wash hands properly
2 All sub activities (1) Physical injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 24: Sheet23

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Removal of structure by cutting
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Job preparation (lifting and shifting of material from Ground level) Injury due to fall from height Tools, tackles etcare not be carried with hands while climbing.
Use pouch, belt or other lifting/loweing device. Ladder must be free of oil/grease
Gloves with good grip must be used for climbing
While climbing or stepping down the ladder three point contact must be there
Scaffolding must be ready for use and certified. Use safety fullbody harness with double lifeline
2 Structural member removal by gas cutting Injury due to fall fronm height Explosion due to mishandling of the cylinder/Fire due to gas release hose and fitting Burn injury due to mishandling flame Fire hazards due to combustile material around Provide proper scaffolding as per Scaffolding Procedure
Always use safety full body harness.
Cylinder must be kept chained on trolly. Cylinder must have safety cap
Hoses should not be in damaged condition. It should be tested periodically for fitness and clamped at all joints. There should be flask back arrestors on either side
Torch must be in good working condition. When not in use , Isolate from the cylinder
Safe lying of hoses without sharp bends and not near to sharp edges Alawys
Keep the flame away from the body. Use leather gloves Use dark goggles The spark coming out may lead to fire if any inflammbles material is lying near by Barricade area with Fire blanket. Clear the area of all flammble substances within 8 m radius Keep DCP cylinder as standby. Keep fire hoses ready. Keep the area wet, if required Periodically monitor LEL and record
3 Dimentalling of structure members Injury due to fall from heightingInjuruy due to fallng of structural member from height Physical injury due to slippage/damage of spanners Use Certified scaffolding. Use Full body Harness. Block the monkey ladder access of antisurge platform.
Ensure proper tieing of the structural member with rope /chain pulley beforre operating thebolts.
Use only tested lifting machine & tackles. Barricate the area.
Use only inspected tools. Use correct tools.
4 Lifting and shifting of structural members Physical injury during shifting of structural member/grating. Damage of near by instruments Barricate the possible affecting area. Ensure proper tieing of the member during lowering.
Use tested Lifting tools & tackles for dropping structural members
Jobs to be executed under proper supervision. Inform area executive before starting the jobs
5 All sub activities (1-4) Physically Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign _________________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 25: Sheet24

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Hackshaw cutting o
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Hachshaw cutting (manual ) Exposure to Chemical ( toxic/ flammble gas release) Hackshaw cutting to be employed on lines which are difficult to flush out.
Attempt to be made fush the lines to the extent possible to aviod uncontrolled/ excessive relesae of HC/toxic gas during cutting Arrangement to be made for continous remote venting / drianing of the line.
All care must be taken expecting toxic gas/HC release. Air line mask to be used during cutting. Area to a diameter of 15m atleast to be evacuated.
Not hot work to be allowed in the area
LEL & H2S to be continously monitored in the area. Keep running water ready for dilutioin
Fire /explosion due to excessive Hc gas release Drain abd vent arrangement to be provided on the line at remote location
Cutting surface to be continiously cooled by pouring water
Cut injury to working personnel Use gloves during cutting. Keep hand at safe distance from the sharpm edges

No person to be allowed to stand undre weight being lifted
Area must be barricated. No superflous material to be kept at work site.
Use tray foe small tools. The tools , spares wherever possible

3 All sub activities (1-2) Physically Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 26: Sheet25

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Non flameproof Electrical Equipment usage inside plant
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Operation of Non falmeproof Electrical Equipment- Electrical shock Hazards Electrical machine must be certified by competent authority and have valid certificate All electrical connection to be crooschecked for loose fitting,etc Earthing of the equipment must be done
Fire Hazard due possible spark generation LEL must be checked in the area periodically DCP cylinder to be kept ready for use ( Hot work permit required )
2 All sub activities (1) Physically Injury while working Use correct tools Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 27: Sheet26

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Hydrojetting of exchangers
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Trail of hydrojetting machine Fire hazards due to nonflame proof equipment and/or diesel operated engine Damage to work place and/or injury due to overpressurization of hose Electric mechine must be certified by competent authority and have valid certificate All electrical connection to be crosschecked for loose fitting, etc.
Earthing of the equipment must be done. LEL must be checked in the area periodically DCP cylinder to be kept ready for use. Fire water hose is readily available
The hydrojeting mechine at all times should have safety equipment in tested and good working condition
Pressure gauges, Safety Valves etc. should be calibrated every 3 months.
Foot valve should be inspected bry mech CES person and should have valid certificate. HP Hoses should have valid test certificate for pressure test and visually checked for cuts/damage etc. before putting it in use every time.
Hydrojetting machine must be looked at safe distance from pipes/equipment Minimum personnel to be allowed for trial
Hydrojetting operator shall have minimum 3 years of hydrojetting experience
Area must be kept barricaded
2 Laying of hoses and preparing for hydrojetting Injury due to fall (slip/trip)due to running against laid pipes/cables or due to use of incomplete scaffolding Area must be barricated.
Scaffolding completion and certification done in advance.
Adequate lighting ensured
3 Hyrojetting Mechanical failure for hoses or the Hyrojetting machine Injury due to coke particles hitting/flying healthiness of the machine and hoses to be used are verfied prior to use
Cover the hoses with metal pipe wherever possible vehisle movement is there and provide caution tape over the pipe. Ensure external padding of hoses wherever it touches metal surfaces
All rotating /moving parts of the machine are gaurded
Connecting betwen two hoses are safety locking chain to be provided. Sway arrester wherever possible Continious monitoring to be done when the machine is in operation . The area around the Hyrojetting should be properly cordoned with rope/ chian to prevent unauthorized persons entering into hyrojetting area. diesel engine operated hyrojetting machines should have flame arrestor on exhaust
All PPE's ae specified in the work permit to be used ( gum boots ). Area must be barricated Minimum number of persons to be present at work site;
4 All sub activities (1-3) Physically Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 28: Sheet27

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Bundle pulling of Heat Exchanger
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :
S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Channel cover & channel opening Fire due to pyrophoric iron Ensure that decontamination done effectively. Keep water hose ready
Exchanger must be kept wet to prevent residual pyrophoric iron from lighting
2 Tube bundle pulling using puller /crane Fire due to pyrophoric iron Continuously wet the tubes surface during bundle pull out operation. (Ensure water flow is minimum and it is continuously draining outside. Water should not hold inside exhanger )
Fire hazard due bundle puller/ crane operartion Inside plant Get Hot work permit, check LEL in 15mt of surrounding area Spark arrestor must be installed in healthy condition. Inhibit nearby DGX for vehicle movement
Refer and comply to RA for Crane/Hyrda deployment
Properly damage/ Injury due to improper lifting/pulling of bundle Shell must be locked with Puller Lock. Puller lock sling must be properly bolted with exchanger flange.
Exchanger Saddle support should be properly supported
Use correct I-Bolt at Exchanger an dcertified slings for Pulling tube bundle
Properly aligns sling with puller and exchanger. Bundle tube baffle must be safely rested Refer and comply to RA for crane /Hyrdra deployment. Keep the area barricaded
Injury due to improper tools/handling Use standard and job specific tools. Use certified chain blocks and slings. Do not move under lifted loads.
3 Temporary Support structurre provision as per requirement Fire hazard due to combustible material around Periocally monitor LEL within 15mts of sorrounding area and record.
Refer comply to RA for hot work (Gas cutting/grinding/welding) on structure/ New line errection
Injury due to fall from height If required ,.prepare scaffolding platform. Use full body harness
Injury due to falling of structural member from height Ensure proper tieing of the structural member with rope / chain pulley.
Use only tested Lifting tools & tackles. Barricate the area If required pepare a working scaffolding platform below the structural members
Physicaly injury due to slippage/ damage of spanners Use only inspected tools. Use correct tools.
4 All sub activities (1-3) Physically Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 29: Sheet28

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Heat Exchange tubes removal by gas cutting
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :
S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Prepartion for cutting of tubes Physical Injury while shifting the cylinders Mobilise the gas Cylinders in trolly, and don’t roll it
Fall from height while lining up cylinder hoses in trays Use full body harness while climbing in ladder
2 Gas cutting Fall from the Height during cutting Ensure integrity of working platform and there should be no gap between planks
Use Certified scaffolding.
Ensure there is more ways of access and no pipings are obstructing the escape route
Explosion due to mishandling of the cylinder/ Fire due to gas release by improper hose and fittings Cylinder must be kept chained on trolly and identified with labels. Cylinder must have safety cap
Hoses should not be in damaged condition. It shuold be tested periodically for fitness and clamped at all joints
There should be flash back arrestors on either side. Torch must be in good working condition When not in use, isolate from the cylinder. ( Ensure the tag no. in cylinder before isolating ) Safe laying of hoses without sharp bends and near to sharp edges
Hose laying should be through cable tray to avoid bend and damage to the hoses
Burn injury due to to mishandling flame Always keep the flame away from the body and nearby working crew. Use leather gloves Use dark goggles
Asphyxiation due to vapours generated during cutting Use dusk mask. Interchange the working persons frequently and allow them to breath fresh air
Do not allow person to stand at tube bundle both ends, where more vapours will come during cutting
Fire due to any HC hold up inside tubes and exposure of phyrophoric material Keep the area wet. Keep DCP extinguisher and Fire hoses ready
Fire hazards due to combustible material around The spark coming out may lead to fire if any inflammble material is lying near by
Barricade area with fire blanket or Aluminum sheets
Clear the area of all flammble substance within 8m radius
Keep DCP cylinder as standby. Keep the area wet, if required Periocally monitor LEL and record
3 Removal of tubes Burn injury due to hot surface Use leather gloves
Physical Injury due to sharp edges Do not pull the tubes bu touching at edges.
Take care of nearby working crew while pulling the tubes
Dust Exposure Wear Dust mask. Remove the sediments over tubes before pulling the tubes
Stop the work and clean the area frequently. if require do hydrojetting to clean the surface of tubes
Burn injury due to mishandling of cut tubes Always keep the cut tubes away from the body. Dip the hot cut tubes in water for cooling Use leather gloves
4 Shifting oe cut piece tubes Physical injury while shifting Shift the cut tubes in trolly are using fork lift ( Refer RA 120 for Using Fork lift)
Trolley/ Fork lift should not be overloaded
5 All sub activities (1-4) Physically Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 30: Sheet29

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Housekeeping inside plant
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 housekeeping slip injury due to rags / garbage / grease or oil rags & garbags to be kept in identified bins , insure that spllied oil / grease are cleaned immideately, wash the hands with soap at the end of work
2 injury due to material lying here & there material to bekept at identified & safe places , scrap materialto be sent to scrap bins afetr housekeeping
injury due to sharp edges of wires or structures use mandatory PPEs
3 dust use dust mask along with mandatory PPEs
4 burn injury due to hot surface use mandatory PPEs, use leather gloves if require
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 31: Sheet30

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Fan/ blower fixing on manways for air circulation
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 lifting the fan/ blower properly damage /injury due to improper lifting methods use correct & certified slings/ wire rope
keep body away from lifted load
Don't move under lift at load
2 fixing the fan /blower on the manway struck by (injury) tools while working use standerd tools , use rope string for holding spaner
exposure to toxic gas/ nitrogen carry personal H2s metre ,
check O2 level at manway ,
keep SCBA set ready,
Stand in upwind direction or side of manway
3 Electrical connection on the fan/ blower elecrical fire hazards Job to be done under different permit with relavent electrical JSA
4 all sub activities (1 to 3) physical injury while working use correct tools, use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign __________________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 32: Sheet31

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Material handling manualy
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 lifting of material on trolley, shifting of material on trolley injury to people during material handling Do not use barehands to handle material
use portable lifting trolley and shifting on trolley only,
Use crane hydra wherever required if material is heavy
Refer & follow respective RA for lifting with crane/ hydra
Don't drop material from height, use correct lifting lowering devices
Secure material properly on trolley
2 fixing & removal of chain blocks for lifting the material manualy injury due to fall from height wear safety full body harness clamped to fix structure & not to the pipings ,
use certified ladder
Maintain three point contact while climbing the ladders
3 lifting of material using chain pulley damage to the equipment near by lines Use certified ,valid & with no damage slings ,chain pulley blocks for lifting
Don't use edged support for slings
Use rigid & firm support for hooking the slings /chain
Don't load any scaffolding or other temporary structure directly or indirectly by slings /chains
Area to be barricated during lifting
Keep minimum person during lifting
toxic gas, hydrocarbon release due to hitting nearby pipelines,instruments tubings clearly identified the lifting route well in advanced an marked all SBCs ,
wrap with barricating tape if deemed necessary
use standard lifting devices ,
For critical lift JE /FS will personally supervise the job
4 all sub activities (1 to 3) physical injury while working use correct tools, use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 33: Sheet32

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Conditioning monitoring of equipment
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 recording vibration reasings with designnated meter injury due to body parts getting traped between moving machinery check all rotating /moving parts are adequately guarded ,don't move close to the rotating parts,use hand gloves & goggles ,don't wear loose fitting attire or neckwears
fire/explosion due to use of non flame proff tolls use only authorised spark free devices for measurement in hazards areas ,check measurement devices is certified
burn injury due to touching nearby hot surface use leather gloves near hot service pumps
4 All sub activities (1) Physical injury while working Use correct tool. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 34: Sheet33

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Manway opening and boxup of process equipments
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Opening the manway Human error Identify the correct manway to be opend from the permit description
Field Executive should physically show the right manway to be opend
Chemical (toxic/ flammabled/insert gas) release / fire due to residual HC/toxic gas left in the vessel The equipment and connected process lines are made free from HC and toxic material using deconamination techniques
There should not be any condensate pocket left in the loop after steaming .
All the process , utility & insert gas connection must be disconnected & positively blinded with standard blind before opening manway. All such location must be identified & marked clearly on P&ID & separate blind list must be prepared. The same must be check jointly by permit issuer &requestor before allowing Man Entry Keep Escape set ready for escape in case of residual H2S release
USE Air line mask or SCBA, if advised in the permit. Stop Hot job in radius of 15 meters
First gently loosen the flange; body position should be away from the opening such that residual steam/gas released do not affect.
First keep the manway 20-30% open. Put "DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT PERMIT" board
Struck by (injury) tools while working Use standard tools. Use rope strins for holding spanner
2 Boxup of manway Persons trapped inside Ensure all the persons who were worked inside came out from the vessel /Equipment.
Crosscheck the same from Man-entry register. Give sound and ensure no reply from inside
Struck by (injury) tools while working Use standard tools. Use rope strins for holding spanner
3 All sub activities (1-2) Physical Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ____________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )

Sheet 35: Sheet34

Job Safety Analysis sheet

Main activity : Work at height
Plant :
JSA Sheet No: 1 Date of JSA :

S. No. Sub Activity Hazards and Risks Control measure to be implemented
1 Identifying the best approach to work location and scaffolding preparation Damage to workplace due to hitting/ climbing on pipes, specially SBCs in turn it release of toxic gases / fire Approach to be identified in such a way that emergency egrees route is avilable Alternate escape route to be identified depending on criticallity of the job
Scaffolding errrected should not block identified Escape routes of the plant
ALL SBCs at work location must be identified Electrical and instrument cable must be identified and scaffolding pipes should noy touch these cables Adequate care must be taken to avoid hitting on SBCs Scaffoding pipes must be atleast at least 6'' away from SBCs
JSA avilable for scaffolding prepartion and dismantlling to be referred Scaffodling must meet all standard requirement. Scaffolding certification must be done Scaffolding check list must be filled.
ALL above also applies if Hyraullic platform / trolley is being used
2 Shifting of tools, tackles, spare etc to work location Injury due to fall ( slip/trip) while climbing up Tools , tackles etc are not to be carried with hands while climbing. Use pouch, belt or other lifting / lowering device
Ladder must be free of oil/ greese and must be firmly placed tp prevent slip
Ladder to be provided perpendicular to the working platform wherever possible
Gloves with good grip must be used while climbing
Keep landing area near the ladder free form looses pipes and other scaffolding material While climbing maintain 3 point contact always
3 Execution of the job at height Struck by falling objects No person to be allowed to stand under weight being lifted
Area must be barricated. No superfluous mateiral to be kept at work site.
Use tary for small tools. Tie tools, spare wherever possible
Injury due to fall ( slip/trip) from the working platform Use certified scaffolding / Hydraulic platform / trolleys with wheel locl
Use safety full body harness with double lifeline
4 All sub activities (1-3) Physically Injury while working Use correct tools. Use mandatory PPEs
Done by :

Name :______________________________ Designation: AM Sign ________________________ Date:

Name :_______________________________ Designation: ______________ Sign _________________________ Date:

(Note: JSA Sheet to be done by issuer and requestor of work permit . In case of need, representative from other discipline should also be involved )


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