1. Manhours: The total number of hours worked by all
employees within a specific period, often used to measure productivity or
allocate resources.
2. Manpower: The total number of workers or employees
available or required for a specific task, project, or operation.
3. Safety Inductions: Introducing new
employees or contractors to the safety procedures, guidelines, and practices
within a workplace to ensure their well-being.
4. TBT Conducted (Toolbox Talks): Short safety meetings or
talks held before a job begins to discuss potential hazards, safety protocols,
and best practices among the workforce.
5. Training: Workshops or sessions designed to enhance
employees' skills and knowledge related to safety, job-specific tasks, and
overall awareness.
6. OHS Meetings: Discussions about safety issues, policy
reviews, and scheduling safety-related activities occur at
occupational health and safety (OHS) meetings.
7.OHS Inspections:
Regular evaluations of the workplace to spot potential risks, confirm adherence
to safety standards, and put corrective measures into action.
8. OHS Campaigns: Strategic initiatives aimed at promoting
and raising awareness about specific occupational health and safety issues
among the workforce.
9. OHS Rewards: Recognition or incentives given to
individuals or teams for exemplary adherence to safety protocols and
contributing to a safe work environment.
10. OHS Audits: Systematic reviews of safety processes,
procedures, and compliance to ensure alignment with regulatory requirements and
best practices.
11. Safety Alerts: timely warnings or notices sent to the
workers about any accidents, dangers, or harmful circumstances.
12. Mock Drill: Practice exercises designed to simulate
emergency situations, helping employees prepare for real-life incidents and
evaluate the effectiveness of response plans.
13. Property Damage: refers to any damage or destruction
brought about to company tools, assets, or property.
14. First Aid Cases: Instances where employees receive
immediate medical attention for minor injuries or illnesses at the workplace.
15. Medical Treatment Case: Cases where employees require
medical treatment beyond first aid due to a workplace injury or illness.
16. Restricted Work Days: The number of days an employee is
limited in performing their regular job duties due to a work-related injury or
17. Permanent Partial Disabilities: Cases where an employee
sustains a permanent impairment that affects only a part of their body's
18. Permanent Total Disabilities: Instances where an
employee experiences a permanent impairment that renders them unable to perform
any gainful work.
19. Lost Work Day Cases: Cases where employees are unable to
work due to a work-related injury or illness.
20. Lost Work Days: The total number of workdays lost
collectively by employees due to work-related injuries or illnesses.
21. Fatalities: Instances where an employee or worker dies
as a result of a workplace accident or incident.
22. Dangerous Occurrences: Serious incidents or near-misses
that have the potential to cause significant harm or injury.
23. Immediate Reportable Injuries: Severe injuries or
incidents that require immediate reporting to relevant authorities.
24. Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR): A metric that
calculates the rate of lost time injuries per a specific number of hours
25. Lost Time Injury Severity Rate (LTISR): Measures the
severity of lost time injuries by considering the number of days lost per a
certain number of hours worked.
26. Total Reportable Case Frequency (TRCF): A comprehensive
rate that includes all types of reportable cases (injuries, illnesses,
fatalities) per a specific number of hours worked.
27. Fatal Accident Frequency Rate (FAFR): Measures the
frequency of fatal accidents within a given period, typically per a specific
number of hours worked.
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