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Safety committee functions with objectives and duties [PDF]



                                         Functions and Duties

1. Management Commitment to Workplace Safety and Health

♦ Establish procedures for review and management's response to minutes.

♦ Submit written recommendations for safety/health improvement/changes and response.

♦ Evaluate employer's safety/health policies and procedures.

♦ Respond in writing to safety committee recommendations.

♦ Review corrective action taken by management.

2. Committee Meetings and Employee Involvement

♦ Establish procedures for employee input, i.e. to receive suggestions, report hazards, and other pertinent safety and health information.

♦ Include employee input on agenda for safety committee meetings.

♦ Hold monthly meetings.

♦ Keep meeting minutes.

♦ Develop and make available a written agenda for each meeting.

♦ Take meeting minutes and distribute to management and the safety committee members.

♦ Include in the meeting minutes all recommendations.

3. Hazard Assessment and Control

♦ Establish procedures for workplace inspections to identify safety and health


♦ Assist the employer in evaluating the accident and illness prevention program.

♦ Appoint an inspection team of at least one employee representative and one

employer representative.

♦ Conduct workplace inspections at least quarterly.

♦ Make a written report of hazards discovered during inspections.

♦ Review corrective measures. Make written recommendation to correct

the hazard, and submit it to management for timely response.

4. Safety/Health Planning

♦ Establish procedures to review inspection reports and make appropriate

implementation of new safety/health rules and work practices.

♦ Develop/establish procedures for an annual review of the company safety

and health program.

5. Accountability

♦ Evaluate the company safety and health accountability program.

♦ Make recommendations to implement supervisor and employee account

ability for safety and health.

6. Accident/Incident Investigations

♦ Establish procedures for reviewing reports completed for all safety

incidents, including injury accidents, illnesses and deaths.

♦ Review these reports so that recommendations can be made for

appropriate corrective action to prevent recurrence.

7. Safety/Health Training for Committee Members

♦ Identify and make accessible applicable OSHA standards and other codes that apply to your particular industry.

♦ Provide specific training on your type of business activity. Include at a minimum, hazard identification of the workplace and how to perform effective accident incident investigation.

♦ Identify the location of safety procedures provided with appropriate equipment and inform employees of their location.

♦ Recommend training for new employees and refresher training on company, department and work location safety practices, procedures and emergency response.

♦ Management should maintain (and make available to the safety committee) records on employee safety training.


♦ Prepare agenda for next meeting

♦ Arrange for meeting place

♦ Notify members of meeting

♦ Arrange program

♦ Set time schedule for meeting

♦ Arrange all seating for members

♦ Review previous minutes and material for meeting

♦ Conduct meeting


♦ Record minutes of meeting

♦ Distribute minutes to committee members

♦ Post minutes for other employees

♦ Report status of recommendations

♦ Assume chairperson’s duties, if required


♦ Report unsafe conditions and practices

♦ Attend all safety meetings

♦ Report all accidents or near misses

♦ Review injury accidents, illnesses and death investigations

♦ Contribute ideas and suggestions for improvement of safety

♦ Work safely

♦ Influence others to work safely

♦ Make or assist in inspections

Actual duties will vary according to company needs.

                                              MEETING AGENDA GUIDE

Successful, effective Workplace Safety Committees (WSC) will have competent leaders and dedicated

members. The chairperson will be able to direct group discussion while sticking loosely to the business at hand. A carefully planned agenda will assist the chairperson in doing this. If the agenda can be given to all members in advance, members will arrive at the meeting better prepared. It will also remind them of any responsibilities they have such as reporting on task force or inspection team progress. A standard agenda form can be developed by the committee to meet its specific needs.

Agenda Guidelines

♦ The agenda should be typed on company letterhead.

♦ Limit it to one page in length and include:




Starting and ending time

Topics of discussion

Minutes of previous meeting

Chairperson's report

Reports from subcommittees

Old business (Items not completed at previous meetings)

New business

Educational Section/Special Speakers

The agenda should be distributed to WSC members at least three to five days prior to the actual meeting. A copy should be attached to meeting minutes for distribution or posting.

                                    SAMPLE MEETING GUIDELINES

These guidelines are for informational purposes only. Your own workplace needs will determine the

discussions at your meetings.

1. Call to order by chairperson.

2 Roll call of members.

3. Introduction of visitors.

4. Read/Review minutes of last meeting.

5. Approval of last meeting minutes.

6. Discussion of unfinished business:

♦ Reports on matters held over from last meeting.

♦ Correction recommendations.

♦ Safety suggestions.

7. Discussion of new business.

Report on injured or ill workers - follow-up welfare.

Accident or illness investigation:

♦ What was the accident or illness?

♦ What conditions contributed to the accident or illness?

♦ Why did the conditions exist?

♦ What can be done to mitigate another such incident?

8. Report on safety incidents:

♦ Follow-up action taken by management and/or committee.

9. Committee reports:

♦ WSC subcommittees can be developed to fit the specific needs of the company.

10. Suggestion box:

♦ Discussion of submitted suggestions.

♦ Assignment of suggestions for action.

11. Miscellaneous:

♦ Quarterly inspection reports, special speakers, etc.

12. Announcement of next meeting date.

13. Adjournment.

If you want to download this details in PDF click given below button 👇


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Please comment your work site safety committee functions


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