Electricity is safe
to use but may become dangerous in careless hands. It may cause
fire, damage and fatal or non-fatal
accidents to personnel, unless
appropriate elementary precautions are taken. This danger from
electricity can be avoided by using good quality equipment, material,
proper wiring and installation as well as efficient maintenance and
upkeep of protective devices. In large Factories of
power system or other electrical installations, it is not always feasible for the Engineers
& Supervisors to explain at length and as
often as necessary, all aspects of safety precautions to every new staff member nor to train him
against all possible hazards within a
short period. It is therefore essential to introduce safe operational
procedure in the form of safety codes. DO’S and DONTS’ & other forms
of instructions and to train the workman by practical exercise and drills in the
correct operation and use of electrical equipments, safety appliances & practice
methods of dealing with fire,
electrical accidents, first aid & artificial respiration., Given below 20 POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED FOR ELECTRICAL SAFETY
Please comment your points also